The people behind this collection

Design with Soul is edited and curated by Steele & Stovell, a creative agency dedicated to soulful and sustainable organisations.

This collection of posts is designed to act as an inspiring reference for marketeers, brands, consumers and creatives, and aims to champion those who exemplify design with soul.

Our Mission

Great design is much more than colours and shapes. The world is crying out for something deeper. The world needs design with soul.

More than skin deep.

We believe that to create truly great design, we must dig below the surface: into origins, provenance and culture; into connections, ideas, thoughts and emotions. Design with soul is about understanding and being responsible for our place in the world, and for the place of our products in the world.

The best design is not just about being pretty, on-trend or shareable. It's about taking pride, taking a stand, making a difference. Good design can and should make the world a better place. Design with soul builds a passion and loyalty that's long-lasting. It awakens something within us, stirring us to care, inspiring us to action.

Authenticity, humility and a lack of fluff.

Design with soul is not about smoke and mirrors. It's not about branding as a colour-coordinated way of painting over the cracks, or pretending to be something we're not. We reject design as a way of whitewashing, or greenwashing.

Design with soul is about awareness, openness and honesty. It's about being real, being human, not just in our marketing copy, but also in our relations with others. With the people we work with, the people we connect with, the people we serve.

Not being dicks to people or the planet.

We live in a world of fast profit and fast fashion, where everything and everyone is a social media sensation today, disposable tomorrow. This is unsustainable; we have to do better. As designers we must be part of the answer.

We must rise up beyond trend and prettification. We must observe and reflect. We must be advocates for a kinder, more considered, more purposeful, more sustainable alternative.

Our mission.

We're on a mission to shine a light on the soul. We'll champion the makers, thinkers, designers and businesses that exemplify design with soul. We'll amplify their voices, tell their stories, share their work and celebrate their achievements. We'll encourage others to think of and adopt design as a way to make the world a better place.


Read some soulful stories.